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Traffic Engineering Fundamentals (TEF)
- Learn congestion causes and mitigation techniques
- Understand volume, speed, delay and warrants studies
- Learn about traffic control devices and signal controllers
- Understand signal operations, timing, and coordination
- Learn about highway capacity analysis for intersections
- Understand stop control, roundabout and signal analyses
- Learn about the typical traffic impact study requirements
- Understand the data collection and analysis procedures
- Registrations, Welcome and Introductions
- Congestion, Road Users
- Volume, Speed and Delay Studies
- MUTCD Overview and Signal Warrants
- Signal Components, Operations, and Timing
- Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Overview
- Intersection Capacity Analysis
- TWSC, AWSC, Roundabouts, and Signals
- Traffic Impact Analysis Example
- Final Discussion, Certificates, and Evaluations
Upcoming Sessions
- April 16, 2024, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. EST
- April 17, 2024, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. EST
- April 18, 2024, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. EST
- Register for April TEF Course!
Transportation Equity
In this webinar series, registrants will learn to identify different dimensions of equity when it comes to transportation projects and how to adopt a data-driven methodology from the start to measure transportation projects’ commitment to equity. Interactive exercises will allow participants to run the right experiments to achieve equity goals in every phase of a transportation project. The series includes two 4-hour sessions.
The first session in the series includes an in-depth review of how our mobility patterns have dramatically changed because of the global pandemic and it showed undeniable impacts of transportation on communities’ everyday lives. Presenters who will focus on what an equitable process looks like for a transportation project. This first session includes an interactive activity and case study presentation to open the discussion on viewing equity from different angles. The second session in this series focuses on uplifting equity through understanding the equitable process and developing a community engagement plan. To prioritize equity, participants learn the community engagement process to know when and how to invite communities to the table of decision-making related to transportation.
Upcoming Sessions
- Register for 2024 Transportation Equity Course!
- Request a Transportation Equity Course for your agency!
For more information on Equity in Transportation please visit the Transportation Equity page.
UFTI-T2 Webinar: Resilience and Sustainability
UF Transportation Institute’s resilience and sustainability research group brings together researchers with diverse expertise from transportation, coastal, environmental, electrical and mechanical engineering, geography, urban planning, construction management, and computer science. The collective energy and efforts of this research group seek to develop innovative and applicable studies along two tracks: (i) Resilience to both natural disasters and extreme events, in which we focus on developing technologies and analysis to strengthen and support adaptive, robust, and resilient responses for rapid recovery. (ii) Sustainability, in which we consider topics such as electric vehicles, renewable energy, vehicle emissions, life-cycle costs, e-waste, system design and other related topics.
Part I: Strategic Decision Framework to Enhance Civil Infrastructure Network Resilience
This research first developed a strategic planning framework to enhance the resilience of the civil infrastructure network in pre-disaster period, such as efficient quick response of the urban traffic network. We also extended our study to multiple interdependent civil infrastructure networks such as transportation and power grid to co-optimize their recovery efficiency in a post-disaster period.
Part II: An Intelligent control approach to low-cost energy resiliency for buildings after hurricanes
The sky is often clear right after a hurricane although a large number of people are without electricity due to damage to the power grid. This makes rooftop solar PV an ideal source of energy resiliency. A main bottleneck is cost, since a large PV system and a large battery is needed at present. However, an intelligent control system can exploit the flexibility in demand (not all loads are critical) and supply (the battery can be fast charged occasionally) to provide essential services for much longer than what is possible without such intelligent control approaches. We propose such a system and show its effectiveness in delivering resilient electricity service with a smaller PV+battery system that is at a lower cost. The talk will include comments on the effect of EV penetration on this technology and the applicability of the technology to non-residential structures.
Part III: Towards Resilient and Smart Cities: Data-Driven Urban Analytical and Geovisualization System for Events Detection This research leverages real-time human sensor data (i.e. Twitter data) to develop an intelligent event detection system. The system can be used for tracking not-predefined crises and emergencies in large-scale disasters or identifying emergent new situations in a pandemic. The work addresses the need of building resilient and smart cities regarding disaster response rapidity and AI-based smart systems.
Introduction to Data Analytics for Transportation
Data offer solutions to existing transportation challenges as well as opening the door to the next generation of transportation developments. As more sensors and cameras are added to roadway infrastructure and vehicles themselves, opportunities are created for new timing and safety applications and for autonomous and connected vehicles. The amount of date involved, its processing, and its integration into existing systems requires a new toolbox of data methods. Data acquisition, management, and processing will touch every aspect of the transportation system.
These methods and more are being tested and realized on the I-STREET Testbed in Gainesville, Florida, a collaboration of UFTI, the City of Gainesville, and the Florida Department of Transportation. I-STREET is a living laboratory for development of new transportation technologies that operates on City of Gainesville and University of Florida campus roadways.
Introduction to Data Analytics for Transportation will be presented by UFTI faculty who are at the forefront of techniques needed to manage transportation data for the future. Topics covered include:
- Overview of transportation data analytics (Dr. Xilei Zhao)
- Data collection, storage, and management (Dr. Xilei Zhao)
- Analyzing geospatial big data (Dr. Jacob Yan)
- Data visualization such as Tableau (Dr. Sanjay Ranka)
- Educational work bench or sandbox for users to train and experiment (Dr. Sanjay Ranka)
Introduction to Data Analytics for Transportation will be ideal for transportation professionals who work with data-driven systems, who manage data or communications, or project managers.
Other UFTI-T2 Courses
UFTI-T2 can work with you to meet your training needs. Whether it is heavy equipment, project management, traffic engineering fundamentals, or many other topics, T2 is positioned to help bring the trainings of interest to your location.
We can also provide an array of webinars geared to provide you with the most relevant information without the need to travel. Let us know your areas of interest, and we can work with our experts to develop and deliver training, either in instructor-led or webinar formats.
Here are some examples of courses we offer on a regular or special basis:
- Chainsaw Safety
- Engineering Webinars
- Heavy Equipment
- Maintenance of Traffic (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced)
- Pilot/Escort Flagging
- Project Management
- Work Zone Safety
Many of our courses are approved for Professional Engineer (PE) credits.
Contact Jasper Masciocchi at or 352.273.1685 to discuss your training needs