The Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) is Florida’s one-stop online store for free educational materials and information on child passenger safety, safety belts, air bags, and distracted driving for residents and certified child passenger safety (CPS) instructors and technicians. The OPRC provides scholarships for safety partners to become certified child passenger safety technicians and instructors, offers stipends to CPS instructors to teach the National CPS Technician Training Course, and distributes free child safety seats for car seat check events in communities. The OPRC is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Florida Occupant Protection Coalition
The Florida Occupant Protection Coalition (FOPC), established in 2017, prioritizes Florida’s most critical occupant protection issues by implementing strategies identified in the Florida Occupant Protection Strategic Plan, which serves as the blueprint for legislation, programs, and funding strategies to increase safety belt use. The UFTI-T2 staff provides support for the FOPC quarterly meetings, provides updates to the Coalition website, and participates in Coalition subcommittees.
For more information, contact Patricia Turner at