Florida T2 Center: Constantly Developing New Training and Support for Your Needs
Welcome to the November edition of the Florida T2 Center Newsletter. Feel free to call (352.273.1670) or email (t2assist@ce.ufl.edu) with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Thanks for reading!
- Director’s Message
- Center News
- Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) – November 2017 Update
- Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (SRC) Update
- T2, FHWA and ARTBA Collaborate to Host Free and Low-cost Training Opportunities
- T2 Collaborating with PHHP on Minimizing Teen Distracted Driving
- T2 Developing Capacity Sensors for Transit Bicycle Racks
- Upcoming Courses and Training
- New Training Courses
- LTAP & National Center for Rural Road Safety Webinar on Unpaved Roadway Safety
- Courses of Interest
- Center Resources
- Technical Assistance Available from T2 Center
- T2 Equipment Loan Program
Director’s Message
As we approach the end of 2017, UF’s Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center staff is working on developing its training curriculum for next year and beginning to implement its grants for the 2017/18 fiscal year. We are pleased to report that the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) grant was awarded to T2 for 2017-18.
Each year through the LTAP, the T2 Center trains thousands of individuals. The primary objectives in this coming year for LTAP is to deliver training programs and to provide on call and on-site technical assistance. As part of this initiative, T2 Center staff has begun meeting with local agencies to identify and prioritize technical assistance needs based on these outreach efforts. We will also be offering a number of new training, including Florida Greenbook, ADA Transition Plans, and Signs and Markings.
Center News
Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) – November 2017 Update

Each October brings new goals for the OPRC. This year we hope to offer three technical updates for Child Passenger Safety (CPS) professionals,implement new strategies for the retention of currently certified technicians, and increase CPS activities in areas with historically few events. Visit the Florida OPRC website regularly for updates to these and other items.
Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center Update
The Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (PedBike SRC) began a new grant cycle in October, both the resource and helmet stores are open for business. Be sure to check out the new items such as the Superhero Safety Squad. Additionally the SRC has resources for school activities and event support. For more information, contact pedbikesrc@ce.ufl.edu.
T2, FHWA and ARTBA Collaborate to Host Free and Low-cost Training Opportunities
This spring with the support of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), the T2 Center will be hosting a number of free and low-cost training opportunities. These trainings will cover the following topics:
- Proper use and application of crash modification factors
- Proper use of digital ball bank indicators to evaluate horizontal curve advisory speeds
- Techniques for implementing a road diet in your community
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety training
All of these trainings will feature hands-on learning exercises and/or field activities. If you any questions regarding these trainings or are interested in hosting them, please contact j.masciocchi@ufl.edu or jerishell@ufl.edu.
T2 Collaborating with PHHP on Minimizing Teen Distracted Driving
With funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the T2 Center is collaborating with the College of Public Health and Health Professions (PHHP) to develop an interactive and immersive computer-based training to minimize teen distracted driving. Research shows that a majority of the moderate to severe crashes involving teen drivers is at least partially the result of distraction. The T2 Center looks forward to working with PHHP to help mitigate this serious and growing problem.
T2 Developing Capacity Sensors for Transit Bicycle Racks
The T2 Center is working with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to develop capacity sensors for transit bicycle racks. The Gainesville Urbanized Area has one of the highest mode shares of both transit and bicycling in the country. As a result, individuals looking to integrate both modes occasionally find the bicycle rack full when attempting to board the bus. Currently, the real-time information provided by the City’s Regional Transit System only has capacity information for internal seat availability. The sensors being developed under this project will now allow individuals to know whether a particular bus’s bike rack also has available capacity. This will help further increase the attractiveness of these modes and make trip planning easier. If you would like more information on this project, please contact mamuller@ufl.edu.
Upcoming Courses and Training
New Training Courses
The T2 Center is introducing a number of new mission critical trainings this winter and spring. These topics include:
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- Signs and Markings (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
- Florida Greenbook – Geometric Design and Design Exceptions
- Florida Greenbook – Lighting, Rail-Highway Crossings, and Drainage
- American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plans
- Traffic Count Monitoring – Installation, Equipment, Safety, and Inspection
- Project management
- Traffic Signal Systems
Please check our training calendar in the upcoming months for more information.
LTAP & National Center for Rural Road Safety Webinar on Unpaved Roadway Safety
November 30, 2017 – [Register]
The National Center for Rural Road Safety and the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA) are co-hosting a FREE, 1.5-hour online webinar. This webinar will provide an overview of safety concerns and potential solutions on unpaved roads.
Courses of Interest – PDH Credits Earned
Designing Safer Roads for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
December 8, 2017 – [Register]
The course includes an overview of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements, work zone safety and a field trip where students will be exposed to various design elements. Engineering countermeasures will be emphasized but education and enforcement countermeasures will also be covered. Engineers, safety and roadway designers as well as individuals with Traffic/Transportation interests are encouraged to attend.
Project Management
January 11, 2018 – [Register]
This one-day course provides a lecture and group exercises intended to improve knowledge and skills to properly identify and manage all aspects of a project. Personnel with involvement in management, project management, project design and development, inspection, engineering, and administrative functions are encouraged to participate.Site Impact Analysis
January 18, 2018 – [Register]
This course covers the principles and information contained in the ITE’s Trip Generation Report and the ITE Recommended Procedures for conducting Traffic Impact Studies. Engineers, planners, design personnel, traffic supervisors, and others that have traffic responsibilities are encouraged to attend.
Access Management Analysis
January 19, 2018 – [Register]
Access Management (AM) is a set of techniques that State and local governments can use to control access to highways, major arterials, and other roadways. The benefits of access management include improved movement of traffic, reduced crashes, and fewer vehicle conflicts. This course covers the latest access design principles and management techniques, retrofit programs, legal implications, and design guidelines. Road Diet Peer Exchange
March 21-22, 2018 – [Register]
A Road Diet is a low-cost measure that can improve safety, reduce conflicts, calm traffic, and better accommodate the needs of all road users. This Peer Exchange is intended for State and local stakeholders to share information and ideas to accelerate the advancement of Road Diets as a low-cost measure to reduce crashes, injuries, and deaths along busy corridors while improving the mobility and quality of life for all roadway users.
Center Resources
Technical Assistance Available from T2 Center
The Florida T2 Center is actively meeting with local governments across the state to identify training opportunities and technical assistance needs. Our subject matter experts will be glad to travel to your location and discuss the projects you are working on to see how we can help. Even if we are not able to directly support yourproject we are likely able to put you in contact with other University faculty and staff who can. Some example tasks we can help you with include reviewing transportation planning/engineering project deliverables and organizing an exclusive training for your staff. Please let us know if you would like to meet with us – mamuller@ufl.edu.
T2 Equipment Loan Program
The T2 Center has equipment available for loan to assist local transportation agencies without the need to purchase your own equipment. Various items are available to you at no cost.
Does your agency have equipment that you no longer use? Donate these items to T2 and we will add them to our loan inventory to be used by agencies across Florida.