Florida T2 Center: Providing Valuable Transportation Resources
Welcome to the August edition of the Florida T2 Center Newsletter. Feel free to call (352.273.1670) or email (t2assist@ce.ufl.edu) with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Thanks for reading!
- Director’s Message
- Center News
- FHWA awards UFTI’s T2 Center Three Accelerating Safety Activities Program Awards
- Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (SRC)
- Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) – August 2017 update
- T2 Center Seeking New Instructors in Traffic Signal and Traffic Signal Timing
- Traffic Signal Survey
- Upcoming Courses and Training
- Safe Routes to School Application Workshop on Monday, Sept. 11.
- Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Webinar
- New Webinar Opportunity: FDOT Airport Sustainability Guidebook
- Training Events Postponed, New Date to Be Determined
- Center Resources
- Technical Assistance Available from T2 Center
- Conference and Meeting Planning Capabilities
- T2 Equipment Loan Program
- Training Venues – We Need YOU!
Director’s Message
As we reflect on the outcomes we hoped to achieve in the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) this year, you will see we have accomplished a great deal this year toward our goals.
Our trainings continue to focus on the LTAP’s Strategic Plan focus areas of safety, infrastructure management, and workforce development. We have expanded course offerings beyond safety, focusing on infrastructure management and workforce development, and are offering more trainings through webinars which our being recorded to expand their accessibility, and are focusing the training on the desired classes that were requested through the listening sessions.
Florida LTAP continues to engage its partners in bringing relevant and quality training to local agencies, including partnerships with the American Public Works Association (APWA) on a webinar series, with FHWA on Every Day Counts (EDC) and Safety workshops and peer exchanges, and with UFTI and the regional University Transportation Center, STRIDE, on a seminar and a series of webinars. Additionally we have three new McTrans courses developed. One successful example was FHWA’s Road Diet trainings. We are also partnering with FHWA, FACERS, and APWA on several initiatives, including pavement preservation at the local level.
Center News
FHWA awards UFTI’s T2 Center Three Accelerating Safety Activities Program Awards
The UFTI’s Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center was recently awarded three Accelerating Safety Activities Program (ASAP)awards from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The three awards represent more than half of all available funding for fiscal year 2017.ASAP awards fund research, development, technology transfer, and outreach and communication activities that promote proven safety countermeasures and Every Day Counts (EDC) initiatives. The three awards will allow the T2 Center to offer horizontal curve safety analysis workshops for rural local agencies, training on the proper use of crash modification factors, and a local government peer exchange on road diets and lane elimination guidance. These training workshops will be free to local government agencies.
Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (SRC)
The Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (PedBike SRC) is the statewide resource for bicycle helmets, and they’ve added some new items to the store!
To help you with your community safety events, our PedBike Training Specialists are available to assist. For more information, contact pedbikesrc@ce.ufl.edu.
Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) – August 2017 update

The Occupant Protection Resource Center has new print items available, with more to come. Additionally,scholarships are available for those looking to get a Child Passenger Safety Certification or get a Re-certification. Get details of Child Passenger Safety Week events happening all across the state by visiting the OPRC online calendar.
T2 Center Seeking New Instructors in Traffic Signal and Traffic Signal Timing
Instructors should have a good understanding of operation and maintenance of traffic signals, and must be familiar with developing and implementation of isolated and coordinated traffic signal timing. Additionally, instructors should have a good understanding of the infrastructure needs and maintenance and troubleshooting procedures and operations.
If interested please send your resume to Nithin Agarwal at nithin.agarwal@ufl.edu.
Traffic Signal Survey
The University of Florida (UF) Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center will be developing and rolling out a host ofnew courses this fall and spring. So we can better plan the frequency and location of these new offerings we are asking individuals to complete a few survey questions. Your participation will help us ensure we meet your training needs. The survey should take less than two minutes to complete.
To take the survey, [click here].
Upcoming Courses and Training
Safety Routes to School Application Workshop Postponed
This workshop has been postponed due to weather implications from hurricane Irma. Stay tuned for the new date and time!
If you are considering submitting a Safety Routes to School application for the 2017 grant cycle you must attend a mandatory workshop. This workshop explains the SRTS Program and you will receive tips on structuring your SRTS plan, completing your application, and ways to improve your chances on being selected for the 2017 funding cycle.
To register please email safe.routes@dcp.ufl.edu.
Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Webinar
Sept. 7, 2017 – [Register]
FDOT has developed an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) manual to evaluate traditional roadway intersection types that have been identified for capacity and/or traffic control improvements. The evaluation includes state-of-the-art tools to select and rank the most suitable alternative intersection design based predictive safety and efficient traffic operations.
Presenter: Alan El-Urfali, P.E.
FDOT State Traffic Services Program Engineer
New Webinar Opportunity: FDOT Airport Sustainability Guidebook
Oct. 3, 2017 – 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
This webinar will be geared towards lower activity airports or those with fewer resources to plan, develop, and implement sustainability.
Oct. 5, 2017 – 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
This webinar will be geared towards higher activity airports or those with more resources to plan, develop, and implement sustainability.
the FDOT Airport Sustainability Guidebook was developed specifically for Florida’s airports and for use in educating and informing entities and individuals interested in sustainability.
Training Events Postponed, New Dates to Be Determined
The following courses have been postponed for conversion into a webinar series. The new dates will be released in a future announcement.
- Designing for Vulnerable Road Users
- Site Impact Analysis
- Access Management Analysis
To view our full course list, [click here].
Center Resources
Technical Assistance Available from T2 Center
The UFTI T2 Center is able to provide local governments assistance with transportation and project management-related areas. Contact us to explore what service options are available.
[Click here] for the form.Conference and Meeting Planning Capabilities
Did you know that T2 is positioned to assist you with any meetings or conferences you are planning?
T2’s Jeri Shell is a seasoned meeting planner with nearly twelve (12) years of experience planning and staffing events for the University of Florida. Whether you are planning a small workshop, round table, or committee meeting or larger events including demonstration showcases, peer exchanges, or large conferences, Jeri has the ability to work with you to ensure your event is a success.
We can tailor our services to meet your needs. From venue selection, contracting, registration, financial management, invitational travel and on-site support, we can work with you to deliver on your event planning needs.
For more information or to discuss your meeting planning needs, please contact Jeri Shell at jerishell@ufl.edu or (352) 273-1693.
T2 Equipment Loan Program
The T2 Center has equipment available for loan to assist local transportation agencies without the need to purchase your own equipment. Various items are available to you at no cost.
Does your agency have equipment that you no longer use? Donate these items to T2 and we will add them to our loan inventory to be used by agencies across Florida.
Training Venues – We Need YOU!
In an effort to best accommodate the training needs of agencies across the State, T2 strives to deliver trainings in all points throughout Florida to reduce travel and time away from projects for your staff.
However, meeting space is always a challenge and we would like to ask for your help. If you have any meeting space which we may utilize please let us know. In exchange, T2 will offer a free seat in the class to the staff member of your choice. Please contact Jeri Shell at jerishell@ufl.edu or (352) 273-1693 to make arrangements.
Thank you for helping us better serve the Florida transportation community!