Website Address Update
The T2 website has undergone a name change! Our website URL has been changed from ‘’ to ‘’ The old URL will redirect to the updated T2 web address for at least 6 months after the official switch, but we encourage you to go through any bookmarks of our website that you might have saved and update them to reflect the change.
T2 Seeks Qualified Professionals to Serve as Instructors
We are actively seeking professionals interested in serving as contract instructors for training courses offered by the T2 Center. We offer a wide variety of courses and are continually looking for ways to enhance our course offerings and professional instructor pool.
Message from the Director
Welcome back to our Readers! This issue highlights some recent activities at the Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center.
Center Updates
Transpo 2016 from the Director
Staff of UFTI’s Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center and McTrans Center participated at this year’s Transpo 2016 Conference where demonstrations of new technologies and innovations from over 50 exhibitors, as well as networking opportunities, technical sessions and a plenary session on what’s happening at FDOT and nationally were presented. McTrans showed its upgraded Highway Capacity Software (HCS7) that implements and automates the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 6th Edition procedures.
USDOT Every Place Counts

Every Place Counts: Leadership Academy was launched at the DOT Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on October 5th by the U.S. Transportation Secretary, Anthony Foxx. The launch was attended by T2’s Jeri Shell along with members of communities country-wide. The attendees gained insight on making effective transportation decisions.
OPRC Update
The Occupant Protection Resource Center has some exciting new opportunities to offer this year, including scholarships to become a Child Passenger Safety Professional and the creation of an Occupant Protection Task Force. To view CPS Technician Certification courses across Florida, click here (Select Find a Course > Search).
PedBike Update
The Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (PedBike SRC) had a successful 2015/2016 grant cycle. We distributed over 27,000 helmets and tens of thousands of pieces of safety literature! There are new resources available at our PedBike Safety Resource Center. To help you with your community safety events, our PedBike Training Specialists are available to assist. For more information, contact
Upcoming Courses and Training
Road Diet Program
The T2 Center is partnering with FHWA to bring the Road Diet program to Florida. This Road Diet program consists of two parts and will be led by Mark Doctor, PE, Safety & Design Engineer with FHWA. Part 1 is a webinar that will provide an explanation of a Road Diet and the reasons for and process of conducting an evaluation. Part 2 will consist of a live class including a site visit. This workshop will further elaborate on the webinar information and include a local case study for evaluation.
FDOT TRANSPLEX 2017 and Focus on Community Workshop
Mark your calendar for the TRANSPLEX 2017 and Focus on Community Workshop presented by the Florida Department of Transportation. Join transportation professionals and active members of the community to expand your ideas and connections. For more information on TRANSPLEX 2017, click here. For more information on the Focus on Community Workshop, click here.
Video Training
We are pleased to announce a new opportunity in online virtual training. Formerly Mobile Video Training (MVT), Video Training offers a wide variety of training free of charge. The training provides information on a variety of topics relevant to municipal and county public works departments. Each module includes a number of videos, information about the subject and intended audience, as well as some questions to guide discussion. The best part about this training is that it can be done at your convenience and at your office or training facility!
DDSA “How To” Webinar
The FHWA Data-Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA) team has an upcoming webinar in its free DDSA “How-To” webinar series. The Reliability of Safety Management Methods series includes five informational guides that demonstrate ways to make more reliable data-driven decisions throughout the roadway safety management process.
Partner Events
Toward Zero Deaths Webinar
This training focuses on pedestrian safety, complete streets, and congestion. Please join the Safety Center for our upcoming webinar,Towards Zero Deaths – Proactive Steps for Your Community, on December 8th. This webinar will provide an overview of the Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) National Strategy.
Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Locations Webinar
Uncontrolled locations are known to be hazardous for pedestrian crossings. Factors such as vehicle speeds, traffic volumes, and various other factors can compound these issues and increase the risk of crashes occurring at these locations. Likewise, there is uncertainty about the appropriate countermeasures and crossing enhancements to implement to improve safety for pedestrians. For more information about this training, which will be held on November 30th, click here.
Using the ISO TS 19091 Standard to Implement V21 Intersection Applications
The purpose of this module is to introduce ISO TS 19091 specification and its relationship with other connected vehicle standards. This module will provide participants with an introduction to the ISO Technical Specification (TS) 19091, intelligent transport systems-Cooperative ITS-using V2I and V2V communications for applications related to signalized intersections. For more information about this training, click here.
Other News
2016 Excellence in Pavement Award Winners
The Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida (ACAF) announced the 2016 winners of the annual Excellence in Pavement Awards. The winners were selected from a pool of Member companies that submitted projects demonstrating outstanding quality in asphalt paving.