Exams may take up to 2 weeks to process after we have submitted them to the MOT Administrator (excluding weekend and holidays). Once exams are processed and grades posted, student will be notified by the MOT Administrator via email.
Username to login is the student’s TIN#, which is bubbled in on the MOT Exam. Once grade is posted no changes can be made to the TIN# since the grade and certificate are linked to it. If you do not provide an email you will not receive login instructions, contact the MOT Administrator or use student guide (Link on homepage). If your email is not legible you will not receive login instructions, contact the MOT Administrator. It is the responsibility of the student to provide their employer with a copy of their certificate. Certificates are located in the student profile, you must login to print it. We do not email them or send them by mail. The MOT Administrator can be contacted at TTC/MOT Administrator 813.419.1730 admin@motadmin.com Business Hours: M-F 9:00am-5:00pm.
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