To order a new wallet card, visit the Pilot Escort course page, add the Wallet Card Replacement to your cart and submit payment. Wallet card replacement fee is $60 and will be mailed to the enrollment address after your request… Read More
FAQ Category: Pilot/Escort FAQ
More questions?
If you have any more questions you’d like answered, please submit them to Florida T2 Center Registration Desk.
Is this the class needed to be a funeral escort?
No. Funeral escorts do not need a training course, but do have equipment requirements and roadway right-of-way procedures found in Florida Statute 316.1974.
Where can I find more information on the Florida Mobile Home Installation course and requirement?
Here is a website with more information:
How do I do a route survey?
A survey is a list of any items that the load may come in contact with on the route that is on the permit application. Permitees must submit a route survey letter (FDOT letter guidelines) and route survey with a… Read More
When does a vehicle need an escort?
A vehicle shall have at least one escort when its: width exceeds 12 ft., (needs two escorts if exceeds 14 ft.) OR height exceeds 14 ft. 6 in., OR length exceeds 95 ft. (may require two escorts in certain instances)
I’m qualified to escort in another state, but was still fined while escorting in Florida. Why was I fined?
Though you are legally allowed to escort in Florida with another state’s qualification, you still must abide by all Florida escort requirements, such as vehicle equipment, signage, etc.
What if the out-of-state escort course does not include flagging, is it accepted?
Pending final word from FDOT: yes, though escorts should study proper flagging procedures, as all escorts are authorized to flag while escorting in Florida per Florida Statute 316.079 (2). Proper flagging procedures are found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic… Read More
Which out-of-state escort certificates does Florida accept?
Arizona Colorado Georgia Minnesota North Carolina Oklahoma Pennsylvania Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin
Is Florida really requiring escorts to carry 36-inch cones?
Yes, as of February 1, 2010, as well as several other changes. See the Florida Administrative Code website for the official rules and equipment requirements.