The Florida Safe Routes to School Basics Training Series provides volunteers with a complete foundation for initiating and participating in a Safe Routes to School program in their school or community. Development and production of these modules was funded by the Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office, Brenda Young, State Safety Engineer.
SRTS Module 1 provides a high-level overview of Safe Routes to School and the elements and principles of a Safe Routes to School program (total time approximately 45 minutes).
SRTS Module 2 provides a brief review of Module 1 and then introduces the safety lessons in the three major topic areas of Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Rail Safety. These lessons are presented in the Florida Safe Routes to School Traffic Safety Education Guide. The module covers the background for the SRTS curriculum in the Guide and how to teach the lessons in each major topic area as well as how to plan and host a Bike Rodeo (total time approximately 4 hours).
Click on the title screen image below to being the presentation.
Access the original Captivate files for Module 1 and Module 2.