Strategies for Mitigating Congestion in Small Urban and Rural Areas (STRIDE Project 2017-H)

Research Team:

Project Objectives:

  • Broaden the basic understanding of key congestion issues faced by rural and small urban areas and the resources available to agencies in these areas
  • Identify potential congestion mitigation strategies which are achievable given agency resources
  • Provide rural and small urban agencies with practical advice and/or tools for everyday use in reducing congestion


  • Final Report: Strategies for Mitigating Congestion in Small Urban and Rural Areas
  • Webinar: Strategies for Mitigating Congestion in Small Urban and Rural Areas, Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 12 PM EST. Speakers: Dr. Dimitra Michalaka and Dr. Michael Hunter

Resources: Topic Areas

Resources: Agencies

Resources: Data and Manuals