The UFTI-T2 Center will be offering many training sessions July, August, and September. Use the calendars in the attached PDF to find a session that is convenient for you – the dates in the calendar link directly to registration pages. The courses shown in the calendar are:
- Pilot-Escort Flagging – PE-Flag
- Intermediate Maintenance of Traffic – IMOT
- Intermediate Maintenance of Traffic Refresher – IMOT-R
- Advanced Maintenance of Traffic – AMOT
- Advanced Maintenance of Traffic Refresher – AMOT-R
Click on any course title above for more details about the course content, costs, agendas, and Florida requirements.
Looking for Pilot-Escort Flagging Refresher? It’s online, so you can take at any time that’s convenient for you. To learn more and register, click here: Pilot-Escort Flagging Refresher. Visit our website at to find your course and register.